So you don't get to be a geek without other collections.
Here's the mug and goblets I've gotten from Festivals. Mostly the MI Renaissance Festival.
Medieval Times IL

MI Ren Fest 2000

MI Ren Fest Feast of Fantasy 1999

LE 25th Dragon Goblet MI Ren Fest

MI Ren Fest 2010

MI Ren Fest 2006

Feast of Fantasy 2003

2003 LE MI Ren Fest

Bay Area FL Fest 1999

MI Ren Fest 2009

MI Ren Fest 1999

MI Ren Fest 1997

2008 MI Ren Fest

MI Ren Fest 2002

Valhalia Brew Odin's Ale bottle

Going to be listing some of these for sale soon. As you see they are collecting dust.